You Shall Not Pass(word generator)

You shall not pass image.

Is this a "child-friendly" password generator?

Yep! We built this password generator with a big list of words that are all safe for kids. While we've done our best to keep things kid-friendly, if you ever find a word or phrase that seems unsuitable, please let us know by emailing

Are these passwords secure?

Popularized by XKCD, multi-word passwords can be pretty secure while still being easy to remember. The more words you add, the longer the passphrase gets, and the harder it gets to crack. And we've made sure to give you options to make them even more secure, like adding numbers, special characters, and increasing the length.

How do I make my passwords more secure?

While our default generated passwords are a good starting point, there are some things you can do to boost security. Try including at least one number, a special character, and a mix of upper and lowercase letters. Our generator provides options to make this easy for you. Also, the longer the password, the more secure it will be, so consider adding more words!

Can I suggest another theme to add?

Definitely! We'd love to hear your ideas for new themes. Send your suggestions via email to